Sida-supported transboundary rivers Oxfram programme launch

Oxfam has per May 2017 launched a five-year programme to promote better cooperation around transboundary rivers. The programme is called ‘Transboundary Rivers of South Asia’ (Trosa), aimed to reduce poverty and marginalisation of vulnerable river communities through increased access to, and control over, the water resources on which their livelihoods depend.

Funded by Sweden, the programme will focus on three transboundary river basins – the Ganges, the Brahmaputra-Meghna and the Salween. Oxfam will implement the programme together with regional and national partner organisations.

The Embassy of Sweden, Bangkok signed the agreement with Oxfam back in December 2016, with the intention for the programme to improve regional cross-border water resource management in the river basins Makahali/Sharda in Nepal/India, the Bramaputra/Meghna in India/ Bangladesh and the Salween in Myanmar. Trosa will be implemented by Oxfam Novib in cooperation with many regional and local organisations with the overall objective: reduction of poverty and marginalisation of vulnerable river basin communities through increased access to and control over water resources. Human rights for riparian communities is to be a precondition that will contribute to poverty reduction.

Source: Embassy of Sweden, Bangkok
Photos: Daniel Klasander


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